Secco Apple & Qunice 100% Organic
Organic Juice

Lightly refreshing, but full of flavour – that’s how it ought to be; the perfect spring and summer beverage. And a good thing too, that the fullbodied and fascinating Frucht-Seccos – the new sparkling fruit drinks — from the van Nahmen press-house arc arriving right on time for the first Sunny days. Peter van Nahmcn has managed to capture the csscnce of the finest local fruit, with enchanting effervescence in elegant bottles.
The result: 100% fruit, with 0% alcohol.
Two sparkling fruit compositions:
These newly created Frucht-Seccos taste like pure native fruit in its unadulterated State: a lightly tart cuvée of apple and quince, and a subtly pink, shimmering applc-redcurrant-raspberry blend. These arc the newcst stars in the portfolio of this Rheinland juice producer. Among other things, they certainly fill the bill for top restaurants’ frequently expressed need for an alcohol-frce apéritif or food-pairing partner – but onc of highest quality.