Bananas 100% Gently Dried

Banana 100% (Gently Dried)
2022 Nourish Gold Award (Meals & Snacks for Kids)★ 100% Fruit
★ 100% Vegan
★ No Sugar Added
★ No Preservatives
★ No AdditivesSelected high-quality fruit, UK brand with fruit origin from Thailand
Certified by GHP, HACCP, CXC1-1969 and ISO 9001:2015
Suitable for above 12 months or above, children and adults to consumeUsing bananas which are short and belong to family of UK Cavendish
banana, rich and sweet with hints of vanilla, smooth texture, chewy
fruit gummy. Good source of magnesium & potassiumGently dried processes retain moisture, vitamins and minerals.
Enjoy as snack, add into cereal or ingredients for baking